sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Distinguished news

Jaguar 2 Helicopter and «Yoltic» Motorcycle Squadron from Ecatepec, only for emergencies and civil protection tasks

#Ecatepec, #EstadoDeMéxico. – Fernando Vilchis Contreras, municipal president of Ecatepec, put into operation the Jaguar 2 helicopter and the «Yoltic» motorcycle squadron, destined exclusively for emergency response and civil protection tasks.

The mayor said that the acquisition of the aircraft is in line with the line of work that the Civil Protection and Fire Department has maintained since the beginning of his administration, focused on prevention and protection of citizens; therefore, he said that the Jaguar 2 will serve to provide more protection to the population.

The «Yoltic» Squadron will consist of four motorcycles operated by paramedics, which will be able to move quickly throughout the municipal territory to respond to calls for help from the population in emergency situations.

«It will fly over the Sierra de Guadalupe, the limits with other municipalities and Mexico City, the railroads, the areas where the Pemex pipelines are located in order to have surveillance and the migrant transit zones will be monitored to be able to be alert and the industrial zones settled in the municipal territory».

He considered that with the incorporation of a second helicopter, civil protection tasks will be attended with a double task, aerial and ground.

«It will also serve to be able to lend it in any case of emergency not only for Ecatepec, it is to lend it throughout the metropolitan area to provide air support for civil protection and firefighting tasks for what is the main objective.

Vilchis Conteras argued: «Today Ecatepec is prepared to face many of the problems as it happens in terms of security and I believe that today the results in terms of security are the ones that are defining in many cases the results in the State of Mexico».

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